Dominique Bachelet has been been named Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, “for important contributions to the field of climate change science."
Manuel Lopez is a student employee in the OPEnS Lab, and an undergraduate in EECS. See this short video to learn more about Manuel and how working in the OPENs Lab is helping him reach his goals.
The cutting-edge research and projects of Distinguished Professor John Selker is reaching students and communities across the globe.
BEE professor, Chad Higgins, is part of a tri-state collaboration that aims to tackle energy, water, and food issues across the Pacific Northwest.
BEE Professor, Dr. Chad Higgins, an inductee to the Groton High School Distinguished Graduate Hall of Fame was inducted on June 1 in Groton, New York.
Oregon State University has named Alan Mix and John Selker (from BEE) as its 2017 Distinguished Professor recipients, the highest academic honor the university can bestow on a faculty member.
William (Bill) Hohenschuh was awarded first place and Hossein Tabatabaie was awarded second place for their posters at the Annual S1041 meeting in August.
The Laurel Lodge No. 13 scholarship committee has selected the winner for the Manford L. Rathbun Level III Memorial Scholarship for the amount of $6,000.
The Fall 2016 Ecological Engineering undergraduate program has hit a very exciting milestone: 55% are women!
Maoya Bassiouni has been selected to receive a 2016 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).
The WaterBoys team, representing BEE, is one of 10 teams that made it to the Cleantech Semifinals. They were given $2500 to develop their prototypes, which they will use to compete for the final grand prize in September.
Dr. Ganti Murthy was awarded the 2016 ASABE Presidential Citation as well as the Energy Systems Community Leadership Citation, in recognition of his outstanding leadership in organizing and hosting Bioenergy Day at the 2015 Annual International...
It sounds like the kind of experiment Benjamin Franklin would attempt if he hadn’t died 225 years ago.
When Dietterich received an inquiry from Zemicheal, the OSU professor had already begun collaborating with colleague and fellow OSU engineer John Selker, co-founder of the TransAfrican Hydrometeorological Observatory. Selker’s goal is to...
"Two professors, Oregon State hydrologist John Selker and Nick van de Giesen at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, started TAHMO in 2010 with a grand vision: Transform Africa from being the world’s most poorly monitored...
Congratulations to BEE's Dr. Hong Liu, who is ranked among the top 1% most cited for their subject field for 2015, and recognized as one of the World's Most Influential Scientific Minds by Thomson Reuters. These highly cited researchers are...
The two ideas — better weather monitoring and early warnings — are a magical mix.
A total of 85 weather stations will be installed in Uganda over the next two years under a $1m (about Shs3.3b) project by the Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO) in an effort to tackle climate-driven environmental shocks and...
“This award is truly transformative in advancing Uganda, and the entire African Continent to having a self-sustaining meteorological network,” said John Selker, TAHMO co-director and Oregon State University Professor. Seven stations are already...
By John Selker, Scott Tyler, Chad Higgins, and Michael G. Wing. Published in EOS in October 2015. "Drones can be a potentially transformative scientific tool, but operating them comes with numerous challenges."
"Dr. John Selker, hydrologist at Oregon State University, and one of the scientists behind the Trans African Hydro and Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO) project, gives his perspective on the...
"Ecological Engineering Student Society embraces interdisciplinary future, enjoys greenhouses"
With funding from the National Science Foundation, John Selker is buying two new unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to loft sophisticated measuring instruments of his own design into an atmospheric zone that’s been hard to study until now.
What began as a research problem for John Selker [Professor with BEE] and Nick van de Giesen six years ago has evolved into a bold plan to cover Africa in weather stations
Hong Liu, a professor in the OSU Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering and co-inventor of the core technology, called the technology a potential win-win for solving both waste and energy challenges.
"The social and long...
Congratulations to BEE's Dr. Hong Liu, who is ranked among the top 1% most cited for their subject field for 2014. These highly cited researchers were determined by analyzing at citation data over the last 11 years to identify those who published...
"'The infiltration galleries succeeded beyond our wildest expectations,' says John Selker, one of the scientists working on the project. 'What we realized was, Wait a minute, we've got all this surplus winter flow that runs out to the sea. ...
Contributions from BEE's Dr. Ganti Murthy: "Creating life cycle inventory datasets to support meaningful and constructive strawberry production sustainability metrics" "The e-book was grown from the minds behind the National Strawberry...
"It’s not as if anyone plans on having the worst job, but somebody’s gotta do it. Oregon State professor John Selker is featured in this month’s Popular Science magazine for having one of the worst (and most dangerous) jobs in the business."
Austin Hall lead the CTEMPs team in June for a challenging installation in the South China Sea in a support project for the team of Dr. Kristen Davis (see attached photos). This effort...
Meanwhile, he says, other researchers are becoming interested in how they might be able to use fiber optics. The National Science Foundation supports a joint center at UNR and Oregon State University (CTEMPS...
Over the years lots of sediment backs up behind dams. Ecologists have worried the release of that sediment would harm habitat and cause flooding.
“The processes of ecological and physical recovery of river systems following dam removal are important, because thousands of dams are being removed all over the world,” said...
"The TAHMO project, pioneered by Delft Environmental Initiative and Oregon State University [BEE's Dr. John Selker], United States of America, aimed at developing a dense network of hydro-meteorological monitoring stations in sub-Saharan...
TAHMO, a collaborative initiative between OSU's Biological and Ecological Engineering Professor John Selker and TU Delft in the Netherlands, is working to develop and install a network of low-cost, robust weather stations across Africa. As part...
Ecological Engineering student, Randi Mendes, won best engineering poster at the 2014 The Pacific Northwest Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (PNW LSAMP) Conference at Portland State University.
"Dams across the United States are being decommissioned and rivers restored to their natural flow. As scientists are learning, tearing down the barriers is just the first step in returning a river to health...Desiree Tullos, a biological and...
Congratulations to Professor Ganti Murthy's lab group that includes himself and BEE Grad Students, Bill Hohenschuh, Ankita Juneja and Deepak Kumar, for being selected during Phase I of the EPA's People, Prosperity and the Planet program.
This award honoring significant scientific or engineering contributions to the understanding of groundwater will be presented at the 2013 NGWA Groundwater Expo and Annual Meeting taking place in Nashville, Tennessee, this December.
Lara (Founini) [was] an Exchange Visitor from Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse- National Engineering Institute of Electronics, Computer Science, Hydraulics and Telecommunications (INPT-ENSEEIHT) in France.
Oregon State University professor Desiree Tullos first visited China's Nu River to study what effect several proposed large dams would have on the environment and people of the region. When she arrived, though, she saw that the region already...
"Small dams have hidden detrimental effects, particularly when effects accumulate" through multiple dam sites, said Kelly Kibler, a water resources engineer who led the study while at Oregon State University.
“The Kyoto Protocol, under Clean Development Mechanism, is funding the construction of some of these small hydroelectric projects, with the goal of creating renewable energy that’s not based on fossil fuels,” said Desiree Tullos, an associate...
Waste2Watergy's Hong Liu wants to help Widmer Bros. and other brewers reduce their wastewater treatment costs.
Hong Liu, a professor in OSU’s Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering, who cofounded Waste2Watergy with department researcher Yanzhen Fan. "Ultimately, we want to be able to reuse the treated water after it flows through the...
BEE is excited to offer a survey of irrigation systems course to be delivered through OSU’s Ecampus Fall term 2013.
OSU's College of Engineering is preparing a documentary, to be released in Spring 2013, chronicling the efforts of the OSU chapter of Engineers Without Borders on a trip to bring potable water to Lela, Kenya, led by BEE graduate Zachary Dunn.
How far would you go to help someone get a glass of clean water? Zachary Dunn knows exactly how far he’d go: 9,000 miles. And that’s just one trip, one way. By summer’s end, Dunn and fellow Oregon State University students had traveled almost 36,...
Oregon State University’s Bachelor’s degree program in Ecological Engineering has been accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET Inc.,, the recognized...
About 3 percent of the electricity consumed in the United States and other developed nations is used to treat wastewater. But, a technology...
Harvesting Hawaiian plants to make jet fuel and clean diesel? $6 million grant to Oregon State University researchers should help
How far would you go to help someone get a glass of clean water? Zachary Dunn knows exactly how far he’d go: 9,000 miles. And that’s just one trip, one way. By summer’s end, Dunn and fellow Oregon State University students will have traveled...
BEE alum Hayden Ausland (2011) works with Ecolotree to kick off an experiment on nutrient uptake at the Barnstable Water Pollution Control Facility in Hyannis.
At the time of construction, most of these dams were seen as beneficial for flood control, clean energy generation, irrigation and drinking water supply, and recreation, says Desiree Tullos an associate professor in OSU’s Department of Biological...
Oregon State University has been awarded a $90,000 grant as part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s People, Prosperity and the Planet competition.
Richard Cuenca has been invited to brief the Space Science Board of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC on application of remote sensing for water resources management on 26 April 2012.
John Selker, an OSU biological and ecological engineering professor, discussed how a rain gauge prototype developed as an OSU senior project can aid in meteorological observations in Africa and thus help communities grow and harvest crops....
How do the anaerobic conditions of a landfill affect how plastic and alternatives to plastic mulch break down? This is a question that Ecological Engineering undergraduate Courtney Holley hopes to address.
John Bolte speaks on "The Willamette River in a Changing Climate" at the OSU Science Pub
You've heard about solar, wind, even wave power. But now engineers at Oregon State University have found a practical way to generate electricity from human waste.
A new fiber-optic instrument designed for remote temperature sensing is now in use at Oregon State University.
Desiree Tullos and team to present Integrative Dam Assessment Modeling tool (IDAM) in Washington, D.C.
Oregon State University researchers are seeking to develop production of hydrogen fuel by harnessing photosynthetic microbes that use solar energy to split water molecules and make hydrogen.
For a scientist like John Selker at Oregon State University, finding a new way to take precise measurements in the natural world opens up a new level of understanding — and a shift in the way some earth science is conducted.
Dr. John Selker was named one of six editors for the AGU Journal, Water Resources Research.
Simply split H2O into H2 and O. And just like that, the energy crisis is solved.
A team of students who developed a plan for marketing specialty chemicals outperformed 11 other teams in the recent Enterprise Challenge, hosted by Oregon State University’s Austin Entrepreneurship Program.
Engineers have discovered a way to store large amounts of hydrogen fuel using carbonized downy fluff, which could help pave the way to clean, green cars.