“Assessing Conservation Readiness: The Where, Who, and How of Strategic Conservation in the Sagebrush Biome”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 97, pp. 187 - 199, 2024.
, “A brief history of sagebrush management in the Great Basin: From removal to reduction and beyond”, Rangelands, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 63 - 71, 2024.
, “Dryland restoration needs suggest a role for introduced plants”, Global Ecology and Conservation, vol. 53, p. e03005, 2024.
, “Effects of Dormant Season and Contemporary Spring-Summer Grazing on Plant Community Composition in the Sagebrush Ecosystem”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, 2024.
, , “Spring-Applied Treatments Offer Another Window of Opportunity for Revegetation of Annual Grass−Invaded Rangelands”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 93, pp. 104 - 111, 2024.
, “Effects of Annual Weather Variation on Peak Herbaceous Yield Date in Sagebrush Steppe”, Western North American Naturalist, vol. 83, pp. 220-231, 2023.
, “Frequent and Catastrophic Wildfires in Great Basin Rangelands: Time for a Proactive Management Approach”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 89, pp. 1 - 2, 2023.
, “Integrating Rangeland Fire Planning and Management: The Scales, Actors, and Processes”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 86, pp. 9 - 17, 2023.
, “Managing Medusahead Using Dormant Season Grazing in the Northern Great Basin”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 90, pp. 146 - 156, 2023.
, , “Threat-based Management for Creeks, Streams, and Rivers: A Manager’s Guide for Understanding and Managing Flowing Waters in Sagebrush Ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest”. Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing, 2023.
, “Using Virtual Fencing to Create Fuel Breaks in the Sagebrush Steppe”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 89, pp. 87 - 93, 2023.
, “Estimates of Fine Fuel Litter Biomass in the Northern Great Basin Reveal Increases During Short Fire-Free Intervals Associated with Invasive Annual Grasses”, Science of The Total Environment, p. 160634, 2022.
, “Managing Invasive Annual Grasses, Annually: A Case for More Case Studies”, Rangelands, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 210-217, 2022.
, , “Ratcheting up Resilience in the Northern Great Basin”, Rangelands, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 200 - 209, 2022.
, “Strategic Partnerships to Leverage Small Wins for Fine Fuels Management”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 85, pp. 66 - 75, 2022.
, “Toward Integrated Fire Management to Promote Ecosystem Resilience”, Rangelands, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 227 - 234, 2022.
, “Virtual Fencing Effectively Excludes Cattle from Burned Sagebrush Steppe”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 81, pp. 55 - 62, 2022.
, “Weather Explains Differences in Sagebrush-Obligate Songbird Nest Success Under Various Grazing Regimes”, Global Ecology and Conservation, vol. 34, p. e02010, 2022.
, “Effects of Virtual Fence Monitored by Global Positioning System on Beef Cattle Behavior”, Translational Animal Science, vol. 5. pp. S144 - S148, 2021.
, “Threat‐Based State and Transition Models Predict Sage‐Grouse Occurrence while Promoting Landscape Conservation”, Wildlife Society Bulletin, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 473-487, 2021.
, “Herbicide Protection Pods (HPPs) Facilitate Sagebrush and Bunchgrass Establishment under Imazapic Control of Exotic Annual Grasses”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 687-693, 2020.
, “Oregon Beef Council Report”, 2020.