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Filters: Keyword is bovine and Author is R. F. Cooke [Clear All Filters]
“Bovine acute-phase response after different doses of corticotropin-releasing hormone challenge”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 90, no. 7, pp. 2337 - 2344, 2012.
, “Concentrations of haptoglobin in bovine plasma determined by ELISA or a colorimetric method based on peroxidase activity”, Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, vol. 9787868289878924144244433356020423, no. 3, pp. 531 - 536, 2013.
, “Effects of bovine somatotropin administration on growth, physiological, and reproductive responses of replacement beef heifers”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 91, no. 6, pp. 2894 - 2901, 2013.
, “Effects of propiogenic ingredients on serum concentration of insulin and progesterone in non-lactating cows”, Livestock Science, vol. 153, no. 1-3, pp. 165 - 172, 2013.
, “Technical note: Bovine acute-phase response after corticotrophin-release hormone challenge”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 252 - 257, 2011.