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“1968 Progress Report--Research in beef cattle nutrition and management”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1968.
, “Biuret and urea in range cattle supplements”, in Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci, 1968.
, “Chemical curing range forage for fall grazing”, Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, vol. 19. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1968.
, “1967 Progress Report--Research in beef cattle nutrition and management”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1967.
, “Finishing steers on range”, in JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 1967.
, “Frequency Sampling in Sagebrush-Bunchgrass Vegetation”, Ecology, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 740 - 746, 1963.
, “Influence of stocking density on beef cattle performance and grazing behavior on native bunchgrass prairie ”, Range. Ecol. & Mgmt (submitted 08/2013).