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“TBBPA exposure during a sensitive developmental window produces neurobehavioral changes in larval zebrafish.”, Environ Pollut, vol. 216, pp. 53-63, 2016.
, “TBBPA exposure during a sensitive developmental window produces neurobehavioral changes in larval zebrafish.”, Environ Pollut, vol. 216, 2016.
, “Toward safer multi-walled carbon nanotube design: Establishing a statistical model that relates surface charge and embryonic zebrafish mortality.”, Nanotoxicology, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 10-9, 2016.
, “Triclosan Exposure Is Associated with Rapid Restructuring of the Microbiome in Adult Zebrafish.”, PLoS One, vol. 11, no. 5, 2016.
, “Triclosan Exposure Is Associated with Rapid Restructuring of the Microbiome in Adult Zebrafish.”, PLoS One, vol. 11, no. 5, p. e0154632, 2016.
, “ZEBRAFISH AS AN IN VIVO MODEL FOR SUSTAINABLE CHEMICAL DESIGN.”, Green Chem, vol. 18, no. 24, pp. 6410-6430, 2016.
, “Zebrafish embryo toxicity of anaerobic biotransformation products from the insensitive munitions compound 2,4-dinitroanisole.”, Environ Toxicol Chem, vol. 35, no. 11, pp. 2774-2781, 2016.
, , “Adverse effects of parental zinc deficiency on metal homeostasis and embryonic development in a zebrafish model.”, J Nutr Biochem, vol. 43, pp. 78-87, 2017.
, “Alcohol use disorder and depression: proposed rewording of Choosing Wisely recommendation.”, CMAJ, vol. 189, no. 11, pp. E442-E443, 2017.
, “Chronic vitamin E deficiency impairs cognitive function in adult zebrafish via dysregulation of brain lipids and energy metabolism”, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, vol. 112, 2017.
, “Chronic vitamin E deficiency impairs cognitive function in adult zebrafish via dysregulation of brain lipids and energy metabolism”, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, vol. 112, 2017.
, “Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles Induce Changes in Cellular and Subcellular Morphology.”, ACS Nano, 2017.
, “Combinatorial effects of zinc deficiency and arsenic exposure on zebrafish (Danio rerio) development.”, PLoS One, vol. 12, no. 8, p. e0183831, 2017.
, “Comparative Toxicogenomic Responses to the Flame Retardant mITP in Developing Zebrafish.”, Chem Res Toxicol, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 508-515, 2017.
, “A data-driven weighting scheme for multivariate phenotypic endpoints recapitulates zebrafish developmental cascades.”, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 314, pp. 109-117, 2017.
, “Developmental benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) exposure impacts larval behavior and impairs adult learning in zebrafish.”, Neurotoxicol Teratol, vol. 59, pp. 27-34, 2017.
, “Developmental bisphenol A exposure impairs sperm function and reproduction in zebrafish.”, Chemosphere, vol. 169, pp. 262-270, 2017.
, “Formation of Developmentally Toxic Phenanthrene Metabolite Mixtures by Mycobacterium sp. ELW1.”, Environ Sci Technol, vol. 51, no. 15, pp. 8569-8578, 2017.
, “Identification of a Raloxifene Analog That Promotes AhR-Mediated Apoptosis in Cancer Cells.”, Biology (Basel), vol. 6, no. 4, 2017.
, “Identification of a Raloxifene Analog That Promotes AhR-Mediated Apoptosis in Cancer Cells”, Biology (Basel), vol. 6, no. 4, 2017.
, “In Vivo Characterization of an AHR-Dependent Long Noncoding RNA Required for Proper Sox9b Expression.”, Mol Pharmacol, vol. 91, no. 6, pp. 609-619, 2017.
, “Investigating the application of a nitroreductase-expressing transgenic zebrafish line for high-throughput toxicity testing.”, Toxicol Rep, vol. 4, pp. 202-210, 2017.
, “A New Statistical Approach to Characterize Chemical-Elicited Behavioral Effects in High-Throughput Studies Using Zebrafish.”, PLoS One, vol. 12, no. 1, p. e0169408, 2017.
, “Transgenerational inheritance of neurobehavioral and physiological deficits from developmental exposure to benzo[a]pyrene in zebrafish.”, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 329, pp. 148-157, 2017.