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A. Arnon, Lensky, N. G., and Selker, J., High-resolution temperature sensing in the Dead Sea using fiber optics, Water Resources Research, vol. 50, pp. 1756–1772, 2014.
M. H. Cosh, Ochsner, T., Basara, J., ,, Hatch, C., Selker, J., Small, E., Steele-Dunne, S., and Zreda, M., Inter-comparison of soil moisture sensors from the soil moisture active passive marena Oklahoma in situ sensor testbed (SMAP-MOISST), in Meeting Abstract, 2014.
J. Selker, Sander, G., Steenhuis, T., D Barry, A., and Kustas, W. P., Learning from the scientific legacies of W. Brutsaert and J.-Y. Parlange, Water Resources Research, vol. 50, pp. 1856–1857, 2014.
C. Sayde, Buelga, J. Benitez, Rodriguez-Sinobas, L., Khoury, L. El, English, M., Van De Giesen, N., and Selker, J., Mapping variability of soil water content and flux across 1–1000 m scales using the actively heated fiber optic method, Water Resources Research, vol. 50, pp. 7302–7317, 2014.
S. A. Drake, Huwald, H., Selker, J., Higgins, C. W., Lehning, M., and Thomas, C. K., Measuring Wind Ventilation of Dense Surface Snow, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
T. O. T. Read, Bense, V. F., Krause, S., Bour, O., Le Borgne, T., and Selker, J., Monitoring fluid velocity using Active-Distributed Temperature Sensing (A-DTS), in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
C. Sayde, Moreno, D., Legrand, C., Dong, J., Steele-Dunne, S. C., Ochsner, T., and Selker, J., Monitoring soil water dynamics at 0.1-1000 m scales using active DTS: the MOISST experience, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
R. D. Stewart, Liu, Z., Rupp, D. E., Higgins, C. W., and Selker, J., A new instrument to measure plot-scale runoff, 2014.
R. D. Stewart, Najm, M. R., Rupp, D. E., and Selker, J., Nondestructive quantification of macropore volume using shear-thinning fluid, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 78, pp. 445–453, 2014.
A. Selker, Drake, S. A., and Selker, J., A Portable Streambed Permeameter Built With 3-D Printed and Arduino Controller/Data-Logger, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
J. Selker, Selker, F., Huff, J., Short, R., Edwards, D., Nicholson, P., and Chin, A., Practical strategies for identifying groundwater discharges into sediment and surface water with fiber optic temperature measurement, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, vol. 16, pp. 1772–1778, 2014.
M. J. Zeeman, Thomas, C. K., Selker, J., and Mauder, M., Recent developments in the use of DTS to monitor atmospheric flows, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
H. Huwald, Higgins, C. W., Diebold, M., Lehning, M., Selker, J., and Parlange, M. B., Reconciling Measured and Modeled Distributed Snowpack Temperatures and Subsurface Heat Fluxes, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
R. D. Stewart, Rupp, D. E., Najm, M. R. Abou, and Selker, J., Soil-water interactions in shrink-swell clays: measurements and models across scales, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
T. O. 'Donnell Meininger and Selker, J., Technical Note: Bed conduction impact on fiber optic DTS water temperature measurements, 2014.
P. Bogaart, Rupp, D., Selker, J., and van der Velde, Y., To b= 1 or not to b= 1. Numerical, conceptual, hydraulic and geometric explanations for observed streamflow recession behaviour-a case of being right for which reason?, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2014.
N. Van De Giesen, Hut, R., and Selker, J., The Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO), Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, vol. 1, pp. 341–348, 2014.
T. O. 'Donnell Meininger and Selker, J., Bed conduction impact on fiber optic distributed temperature sensing water temperature measurements, Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, vol. 4, p. 19, 2015.
J. Selker, Characterizing dynamic processes in the Critical Zone: Crazy new tools provide crazy new insights, in 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, 2015.
A. Arnon, Lensky, N., and Selker, J., Dead Sea seasonal stratification: metalimnion sharpening and the role of Double Diffusive diapycnal flux, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2015.
C. Sayde, Thomas, C. K., Wagner, J., and Selker, J., High-resolution wind speed measurements using actively heated fiber optics, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 42, 2015.
R. D. Stewart, Najm, M. R. Abou, Rupp, D. E., Lane, J. W., Uribe, H. C., Arumí, J. Luis, and Selker, J., Hillslope run-off thresholds with shrink–swell clay soils, Hydrological Processes, vol. 29, pp. 557–571, 2015.
M. J. Zeeman, Selker, J., and Thomas, C. K., Near-surface motion in the nocturnal, stable boundary layer observed with fibre-optic distributed temperature sensing, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, vol. 154, pp. 189–205, 2015.
J. Selker, A new chapter in environmental sensing: The Open-Source Published Environmental Sensing (OPENS) laboratory, in 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, 2015.
R. D. Stewart, Liu, Z., Rupp, D. E., Higgins, C. W., and Selker, J., A new instrument to measure plot-scale runoff, Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, vol. 4, p. 57, 2015.