Earn your Master's of Engineering (M.Eng.) degree in BEE through AMP
BEE's Accelerated Master's Platform allows current OSU Ecological Engineering and Civil Engineering undergraduate students to take graduate classes and apply those credits to their current undergraduate degree and transfer them to a participating graduate program. Up to 22 graduate credits will count towards a bachelor's degree and transfer to a graduate program.
What can I specialize in?
We are proud of taking an individualized approach with every student. We will help you design a plan of study that meets your interests.
Below are several potential examples of academic pathways that students possibly will want to consider, which are focused to include:
- Water Resources Engineering
- Aquatic Ecosystems
- Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering
- Ecosystem Restoration & Management
- Environmental Remediation & Treatment
- Toxicology & Microbial Processes
See details for each potential focus area in the following document:
With careful planning, students could complete a master’s degree within 1 year of finishing their bachelor's degree.
Students in the AMP program have the potential to earn their Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) degree in Biological & Ecological Engineering with one year or less of additional coursework after earning their undergraduate degree. Pathways including a Master of Science (M.S.) degree are also possible, with added thesis and/or project requirements.
For more information please contact:
Denise Conner, Administrative Program Assistant
Adam Ward, BEE Department Head Head
Khrystal Condon, Undergraduate Academic Advisor
- Masters degrees are increasingly the ‘working degree’ for professional engineers.
- According to Payscale.com, the average base salary for BEng/BE degrees is $87K. The starting salary for engineers holding Masters degrees is 10% - 20% higher than those with Bachelors degrees, depending on various factors.
- MEng and MS degrees count as one year of work experience toward your professional licensure (in most states)
As of 2022, BS Ecological Engineering students who have taken at least 105 credits and with GPA of 3.25 or higher are eligible for the AMP.
This is the estimated pathway timeline:
- 2nd year – learn about the program
- 3rd year – apply for the program, plan your schedule with your advisors
- 4th year – complete your undergraduate degree requirements & earn up to 22 graduate credits
- 5th year – complete remaining MEng credits
Note that while students may apply as soon as they have taken 105 undergraduate credits and as late as the term before they intend to graduate with their BS degree.
It is optimal is to have 2-3 terms of dual enrollment.
What courses can I take?
Exact plans of study are developed in consultation with your undergraduate and graduate advisors. This document provides a (long) list of potential courses to give you a sense of what is available on our campus. Note that this list isn’t exhaustive, but covers the most common areas our students are seeking specialization.
Do I write a thesis?
No, the M.Eng. does not require a thesis. Instead, students prepare a professional portfolio as part of their degree.
However, while less common, an AMP including our MS degree is also an option. This may include either a 12-credit thesis or 6-credits of project work.
Can I work on an independent project?
Yes. While not required, students can work with individual faculty members on independent studies or projects. These are advised on a case-by-case basis for students wishing to include a project as part of their M.Eng. experience.
Mandatory Coursework:
Students will work closely with their advisor to define the exact plan of study to ensure their goals are met and that all requirements for the M.Eng. and B.S. degrees are satisfied.
To successfully complete the AMP, students must complete the following courses:
- Biological Systems Modeling (BEE 529, 3 cr)
- Seminar (ex.: BEE 507, WRE 507, WRS 507, 2 cr)
- M.Eng. Portfolio Completion (ENGR 521, 1 cr)
In addition, prior to taking ENGR 521, students are expected to complete a Canvas Portfolio Orientation module. The module will cover:
- What the portfolio is and what to archive from classes taken.
- Content that satisfies the ethics Graduate Learning Outcome by approval of the Graduate School.
- How to prepare a program of study and get it approved.
~ Additionally, we strongly suggest students would take Bioremediation Engineering at the graduate level (BEE 568) during their senior year to fulfill the B.S. requirement for Bioremediation Engineering (typically BEE 468 for undergraduates), though this not strictly required.
- The AMP including our MEng degree is the most common pathway for students, and is the subject of most answers below. Those interested in an M.S. should reach out to the Department Head to discuss specifics of that option.
- Once approved, undergraduate students who apply for the program, may take up to 22 graduate credits during your senior year and count them toward a MEng degree in Biological & Ecological Engineering.
- Typical students will be able to complete their MEng degree in 2-3 terms of enrollment after completing their BS degree, cutting time-to-degree in half compared to a non-AMP program.
- Students pay undergraduate tuition for the ‘double-counted’ credits. In AY2022/23, graduate credits cost $162/cr more than undergraduate.
What does it cost?
The M.Eng. degree requires a total of 45 graduate credits. Up to 22 of these can be taken during the final year of the BS curriculum and paid at undergraduate rates (saving $162/cr at AY2022/23 rates, or up to $3,564 in total, for in-state students). The 23 graduate credits are then charged at the graduate level, $12,811 for an in-state student in AY2022/23.
At present, OSU requires that students taking ECampus graduate courses will be billed at the graduate tuition rates regardless of their status within the AMP.
What does it save me?
Students optimizing their schedules for the AMP save money in three ways. First, you take 22 graduate level credits less that a non-AMP version of our M.Eng., saving $12,254 (in-state graduate tuition cost, AY2022/23). Next, the 22 double-counted credits are paid at undergraduate rates, saving $3,564 (in-state tuition cost, AY2022/23). Finally, the AMP takes 3-4 terms less than a typical M.Eng. program, saving you a year of living expenses and time spent in a graduate program.
Are there Scholarships and Fellowships?
Currently within the department, there are no specific fellowships nor scholarships for the M.Eng. program nor AMP at present.
However, students may be eligible for a number of fellowships and scholarships from other sources.
Do I have an advisor?
Yes. Every AMP student is advised by our Dept. Head, Adam Ward. He works with individual students to tailor the curriculum to their needs and help them develop skillsets that align with potential employers, prepare for the job search, and to advise through the curriculum.
Will I have an office?
Yes. All graduate students in our department have access to our shared graduate office space, providing you a ‘hub’ for your on-campus life as a graduate student. Conference rooms are also available when needed (see how to book a room page for further details).
What classes can I take?
We have a long list of pre-approved engineering electives and science electives. You’ll work with your advisor Adam Ward to craft a course plan that fits your goals.
When can I begin earning graduate credit?
After students have been accepted into the program, they may begin earning graduate credits. Put another way, if accepted in winter of your 3rd year, you could begin earning credits in spring of your 3rd year.
Financial Aid?
Financial aid is a very individualized topic, so we offer no blanket advice here. Students should check with financial aid to understand the implications of their registration.
Are post-bac students eligible for participation in AMPs?
At present the AMP is not accessible to post-bacc students due to OSU policies. This is an active area of discussion, so stay tuned.
Reach out to Adam Ward and ask for the AMP code BEFORE you start your application.
- After you create an account, you will add the code prior to starting the application.
Initial Plan of Study form. Along with the application, you will also need to submit a initial program of study form. Please connect with Adam Ward to work with you in preparing yours.
- Plan of Study v. Program of Study. The Plan of Study may look very similar to the Graduate School's Program of Study. The Plan of Study is your initial assessment and does not replace the Graduate School's Program of Study form. This form goes to the Graduate School and you will still need to complete the term you transition completely into the Graduate program.
- Start date. When you set up your application, you will be asked to provide your start date. Use the Projected Start of Graduate Program, which you will set up in your Plan of Study form (middle date on the form).
Initial Plan of Study form. Along with the application, you will also need to submit a initial program of study form. Please connect with Adam Ward to work with you in preparing yours.
- Student Handbook - coming soon! 2023 Cohort, please refer to the MS/PhD Handbook on this website and reach out to Adam Ward.
The catalog indicates that you need ENGR 520 (one credit each). However, the program has changed.
For students who have not yet taken ENGR 520, that is transitioning to a Canvas module you can complete at your own pace, and for which you will not need to register for any credits. This saves you some money and frees up another credit in your schedule.
- Adam is working with the former instructor of ENGR 520 for that module and will follow-up with details to the students this directly impacts.
- For students who have already taken ENGR520, no problem. Still counts as a credit toward your degree and you’ve got the content.