Graduate Student Resources

Resources for Current BEE Graduate Students

General Resources and Information

PDF icon BEE Graduate Handbook (rev 3/21/24)

Graduate Program Missions, Objectives & Outcomes

Graduate School forms 


Accelerated Masters Forms:

The AMP application requires a "tentative plan of study that identifies up to 22 credits that will apply as transfer credits towards the graduate degree; and additional planned courses to be completed after full admission to graduate degree. The plan must be signed by the graduate advisor for non-thesis master's programs or the major professor/advisor for thesis-based master's programs. Your program advisor will supply the form. Please include the projected term of completion of the Bachelor’s degree requirements. (Note: This does not replace the Program of Study.) Detailed AMP Information here.

  • The Library offers students, faculty, and staff a lot of specialized resources. This includes a free NY Times subscription!
  • Find out when you can register for courses each term Priority Registration schedule
  • Schedule of Classes
  • If you fail to register before the deadline, you will need to Petition for Late Change of Registration. Find information here. For any questions concerning this, reach out to the Office of the Registrar.
  • For questions regarding which classes you should take, reach out to your adviser. If you are having trouble with registration, reach out to the Graduate Student Coordinator, Denise Conner.

The administration, faculty, staff, and students of the BEE Department are committed to the principles of professional behavior and integrity. As a community of scholars and professionals, we strive to embody the characteristics of responsibility, honesty, respect, fairness, and trust in our professional and personal lives. To this end, BEE has adopted the following Standards of Professional Conduct.

Administrator Standards of Conduct

Faculty Standards of Conduct

Staff Standards of Conduct

Student Standards of Conduct

Timeline: Orientation to Graduation

Welcome!  We are glad that you chose Biological & Ecological Engineering for your MS, MEng, and/or PhD.

**Everything you need to know about preparing for your thesis/dissertation defense can be found here. **

MS and PhD seekers preparing a thesis or dissertation:  your committee will review your work based on certain quantifiable objectives.  As you prepare to start your journey, please review these measures, which can be found here:

While you will be working primarily with your academic advisor, you will also need to create an advising committee.  Your advisor will go over these details with you, but be advised of the following:

  1. Graduate School's website on preparing for your graduate committee.
  2. Courtesy/Affiliate Faculty
    • If you decide to work with specialist in your field of study who are not OSU instructors, please ask that person for their CV and then reach out to Denise Conner.  She will help set up a courtesy or affiliate appointment for that person.  Without an appointment, you will not be able to add your non-OSU committee members to your exam scheduling form or exit documentation.

It's now time to self reflect on your progress.

Please make sure you have at least one meeting with your academic advisor before you complete this form, so we know how you are doing. 

Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher.  If you receive a C or below on any course, please reach out to your instructor to discuss this situation and create a constructive pathway plan to move forward.  Once you and your advisor have developed a plan, please inform administration of your pathway plan towards success, so we can assist you along the way when needed.

Is there anything you would like to discuss to make your academic experience here positive and productive?  Please reach out to Adam Ward, the department head.

Faculty also needs to provide details on student success, by filling out this progress report.

It is mandatory to let the department know that you will be defending by submitting the following form: Defense Information Request for BEE at least three weeks prior to your defense to give the admin team time to help schedule a room as well as to promote your defense.

Room Reservation Resources:

If you intend on meeting in person, for now, please make sure you choose a room with Zoom capabilities, so that your defense can be seen by anyone who can't attend.

Gilmore Annex:

The library:

Grad Student Commons:


Campus-wide rooms:!/home/dash

  • Go online and find a classroom that meets your specific needs for the date/time of your defense. 
  • Then reach out to Denise Conner and inform her which room you would like to use, the date of your defense, and times.
    • As a precaution, you are encouraged to give her two alternative rooms for this event, in the event she cannot secure your first choice. 
  • She will then go ahead and reserve it.

Preparing Your Zoom Defense

Link on Current Graduate Student page under Essential Info for Grad Students.

Zoom Setup Virtual Meetings

Please make sure you bring this form with you for your Graduate Committee to use during their discussion of your defense.  This needs to be given to the front office, or to your major advisor to deliver to the front office, for the department's records.

Graduate Learning Outcome

Congratulations to all successful candidates! What happens next?

  1. One of the faculty members will need to provide the BEE office with a copy of the Graduate Learning Outcome form for our records.

  2. Make sure all of the documents needed for the Graduate School have been completed.  One of the most common documents forgotten is the ETD submission approval form.

  3. Please complete every item on the post defense checklist:If important items aren't complete, the department head will not sign your thesis. Some of these items include:
  • If you have keys to an office or lab, you will need to clean up your area and return them to the department that advised you.


We hope that you will join our alumni listserv.  We would like to keep in touch and hear about all your future success, both professionally and personally.

Building & Facility Policies

  • Keep outside doors closed during evening and weekend hours
  • Remember to lock your office door and lab doors when you leave
  • Do not let unauthorized persons in the building
  • If an individual has business in the building, they should already have a key or can get one from the department
  • DO NOT prop open outside doors!
  • The student lounge on the first floor in Gilmore Hall is primarily for use by undergraduate Ecological Engineering students; however, the department has the right to reserve and use the room for other purposes.
  • There is a small kitchen upstairs with refrigerator and microwave in Gilmore Hall Room 211 for use by students.  Students are responsible for doing their part to keep this area clean.

If something goes wrong within the building (ex. plumbing issues, power outage, broken windows, leaks, etc.). Notify the admin team in 116 Gilmore Hall immediately with as much detail as possible about the problem.  They will submit a work request to Facilities Services. Do not submit a request yourself. The admin team needs to know of and keep track of any requests occuring in our spaces.

Departmental rooms (such as Gilmore 207 and the Gilmore Annex conference room) can be reserved by following the instructions on the Reservations page on our website.  To reserve the 234 Gilmore general purpose classroom, submit your reservation through 25Live.

If you need a key for a space in Gilmore Hall, ask your advisor to send an email to the BEE admin team with the name of the individual needing the key, the spaces the individual needs access to, and the individual's OSU ID #. Written approval (an email suffices) from a student's advisor is necessary for a key request to be placed for a student.

After a key request is placed, the individual receiving the key will be sent an email with pickup instructions from the Key Shop within 1-2 business days. Be prepared to show a photo ID when picking up your key.

BEE admin handles grad student desk assignments. If you do not have an assignment, please inquire with the admin team in the main office to receive your desk assignment. 

Please do not change your desk assignment without asking prior to moving. Certain desks may be reserved for incoming students.

General things to keep in mind—keep your office clean, respect your office mate(s) and take ALL your possessions when you are finished with your program. Clean up your space when you move out. Cleaning supplies are available in the department office if you need them.

Recycling and garbage containers are located throughout Gilmore Hall and the Gilmore Annex. These are picked up by Campus Recycling and ABM on a regular schedule. If you notice that a container hasn't been taken out in awhile, please notify the admin team in Gilmore 116.

If you have specialty items to recycle, contact the BEE admin team to ask for further instructions on how to recycle.

Student Employment

  • Need to know how to fill out a timesheet?
  • When's Payday?
  • FERPA training?

Answers to these questions and more can be found here: Student Employment FAQs

If you have questions concerning HR or payroll, contact the Office Manager, Jennifer Cohen.