Welcome to Ecological Engineering!
We offer a comprehensive range of services to help you find and utilize campus resources, make informed decisions about your coursework, stay on track in your degree, and ultimately achieve your academic and career goals.
All Ecological Engineering students are welcome to schedule an appointment with Head Advisor Khrystal. All Ecological Engineering students are required to meet once per term (ideally before registration begins) for advising. Please read through the appointment scheduling options below and select the most relevant option.
Scheduling An Advising Appointment:
Current Ecological Engineering Students with Khrystal assigned as your primary or secondary advisor in MyDegrees:
Schedule with Khrystal through the "Success Team" area of your Beaver Hub
Current Ecological Engineering Students with Khrystal NOT assigned as your advisor in MyDegrees:
Schedule with Khrystal here. (Please make sure you are logged into Beaver Hub when you click on the link)
Not Currently an Ecological Engineering or Oregon State student and want meet with Khrystal?
Schedule with Khrystal here.
First-year Advising Appointment
First year Ecological Engineering students (high school graduates with less than 24 quarter/16 semester college credits) will meet with a COE First Year advisor during their first academic year at OSU. Please visit the First Year Advising webpage to find out more information.
College of Engineering Academic Progression Model
Effective as of Summer 2019, all COE students are required to maintain a 2.5 OSU GPA and earn 65% of the credits they attempt at OSU. Please visit this webpage for more information.
Degree Requirements
Advising guide (PDF) providing information on degree requirements as well as advising and registration procedures
Bubble chart (PDF) showing recommended 4 year course pathway for Ecological Engineering Student
Advising Forms
Blanket hour credits forms: used when registering for BEE 401 (Research) or BEE 410 (Internship) credits
- Ecological Engineering program petition form: used when substituting a course for one of the EcoE degree requirements
- General College of Engineering forms
Student Resources
Check out all of the resources available to College of Engineering students.