For Alumni:
We thoroughly enjoy hearing about the current activities our alumni are involved in. If you have an update for us, be it an update to your contact information or your career, please take a moment to fill out this survey.
Find ways to connect with your alma mater by visiting the OSU Alumni Association website or keep up with the Alumni Activities Calendar.
Ecological Engineering Alumni:
As a part of our ongoing process to continuously improve the quality of the Ecological Engineering program, we are conducting a survey designed to assess your experience. We appreciate your willingness to provide us your feedback. Your individual responses are not going to be recorded or reported to anyone except those who are compiling survey results at the BEE Department.
For Donors:
In these tough economic times, we greatly rely on the generosity of our donors to make the Biological & Ecological Engineering programs the best they can be. Your contribution can help our students develop the skills and tools necessary to be successful in their careers and in life. Donations are used to help provide research equipment and laboratories for students and faculty, and we very much appreciate your support and generosity.
If you would like to make a donation, please visit the OSU Foundation website (please make sure to type in and select Biological & Ecological Engineering, which is under "I want to give to").
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