Resources for Current Faculty & Staff
General Resources and Information
The administration, faculty, staff, and students of the BEE Department are committed to the principles of professional behavior and integrity. As a community of scholars and professionals, we strive to embody the characteristics of responsibility, honesty, respect, fairness, and trust in our professional and personal lives. To this end, BEE has adopted the following Standards of Professional Conduct.
Additional Forms: Conditions of Volunteer Service Forms, Acknowledgement of Risk and Wiver of Liability Forms, Photo Opt Out Release Forms, Claim/Loss Report Forms, Certificate of Insurance Request
Building & Facility Policies
- Keep outside doors closed during evening and weekend hours
- Remember to lock your office door and lab doors when you leave
- Do not let unauthorized persons in the building
- If an individual has business in the building, they should already have a key or can get one from the department
- DO NOT prop open outside doors!
- The student lounge on the first floor in Gilmore Hall is primarily for use by undergraduate Ecological Engineering students; however, the department has the right to reserve and use the room for other purposes.
- There is a small kitchen upstairs with refrigerator and microwave in Gilmore Hall Room 211 for use by students. Students are responsible for doing their part to keep this area clean.
If something goes wrong within the building (ex. plumbing issues, power outage, broken windows, leaks, etc.). Notify the admin team in 116 Gilmore Hall immediately with as much detail as possible about the problem. They will submit a work request to Facilities Services.
Departmental rooms (such as Gilmore 207 and the Gilmore Annex conference room) can be reserved by following the instructions on the Reservations page on our website. To reserve the 234 Gilmore general purpose classroom, submit your reservation through 25Live.
Send an email to the admin team in Gilmore 116 with the name of the individual needing the key, the spaces the individual needs access to, and the individual's OSU ID #. Written approval (an email suffices) from a student's advisor is necessary for a key request to be placed for a student.
After a key request is placed, the individual receiving the key will be sent an email with pickup instructions from the Key Shop within 1-2 business days. Be prepared to show a photo ID when picking up your key.
Recycling and garbage containers are located throughout Gilmore Hall and the Gilmore Annex. These are picked up by Campus Recycling and ABM on a regular schedule. If you notice that a container hasn't been taken out in awhile, please notify the admin team in Gilmore 116.
If you have specialty items to recycle, contact the BEE admin team to ask for further instructions on how to recycle.
Field Trips
1. Fill out the field trip request form. This form must be submitted prior to the first day of registration (for the term the trip is being offered).
2. Properly fill out the Acknowledgment of Risk and Waiver of Liability. This includes stating the event name, date, time, and a detailed list of risks that may be encountered during the trip. All participants must sign this form.
- Tip: Bring this form to class around two weeks in advance for students to sign. This will help provide an accurate head count.
BEE is always looking for new photos to use for marketing. Field trips are a great way for us to get new photos that share insight into our students' experiences.
If you intend to take photos during a field trip, anyone in the photos needs to sign OSU's Model and Information Release/Photo Release. Provide the signed form to the BEE admin team when completed along with the photos.
Working With Students
If a student asks a faculty member for a letter of recommendation, the student needs to fill out a Ferpa Recommendation Form. Provide this form to the student and return the completed form to the admin team in Gilmore 116.