“Blanket Hour” Credits (BEE 401, 405, 410 or equivalent from other departments)
To receive blanket-hour credits, students must complete the following steps:
1. In advance of the work, consult with a BEE faculty member and ascertain whether the faculty member will agree to supervise your work. If the work will be conducted under the supervision of someone outside the department, a BEE faculty member will still need to be involved in order to assign a letter grade for the credits at the end of the term.
2. Complete the required paperwork in consultation with the supervisor (and BEE faculty grader, if applicable). For BEE 401 or BEE 405 credits, fill out a Blanket Hour Credits Request Form. For BEE 410 credits, fill out a BEE 410 Contract. For Ecological Engineering students, by default, any BEE blanket hour credits earned will be applied as engineering elective credits. If you wish to have these credits count for anything other than engineering elective credits, you must submit a BEE Program Petition with the paperwork.
3. Reach agreement with the faculty member on the number of credits to be received (normally 1 – 3), commensurate with requirements in regular courses. Regular course credits are based on 30 hours of academic effort for each credit hour granted (based on 10 weeks X 3 hours/week/credit = 30 hours/credit).
4. Provide a copy of the signed paperwork to the Khrystal Condon, BEE Head Advisor, for inclusion in your Ecological Engineering file as part of the Department’s permanent record.
5. Register for the Blanket Hour credits.
6. Produce a substantial report for the completed work, graded by the responsible BEE faculty member, as tangible evidence and documentation of the work performed and of its technical merit. This report needs to be submitted by the end of finals week. Students conducting an internship will also need to submit a BEE 410 Final Evaluation, completed by their internship supervisor.
- The maximum number of “blanket hour” credits allowed to satisfy degree requirements is four.
- Tuition must be paid to receive these credits.
- Internships are NOT funded by the Department of Biological & Ecological Engineering. However, cooperating agencies or businesses are encouraged to financially assist interns if their budgets permit doing so.
- Students who are not Ecological Engineering students who wish to sign up for blanket hour BEE credits should work with their major department/ advisor to figure out if these credits will count towards a non-Ecological Engineering degree.
- For information on the content and format for the final report, please contact your BEE grader.