Course Description
Introduction to the concepts and practice of ecological engineering. Covers chemical behavior and cycling in the environment, chemical kinetics, and unit processes of conventional treatment systems. Topics are applied to develop ecological treatment alternatives that meet the needs of human societies. PREREQS: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor
Course Learning Outcomes
Apply fundamental tools (mass balances, chemical stoichiometry, redox chemistry) to solve ecological engineering problems.
Use logic to justify assumptions when straightforward answers are not available.
Develop your chemical intuition to predict an engineering/chemical outcome.
Design ecological alternatives to existing/traditional engineering technologies.
Demonstrate familiarity with the engineering code of ethics (ABET).
Recognize personal and workplace bias (ABET).
Identify ethical factors that affect engineering design (ABET).
Develop a strategic plan to accomplish a goal and evaluate your performance (ABET).
Engage in self-directed learning (ABET)
Find relevant information from literature and apply it to engineering design (ABET)