As a BEE staff member, I will
- Maintain a student-centered learning environment.
- Strive to ensure the availability of resources required to accomplish goals and objectives.
- Maintain a safe and clean environment for student learning and faculty research.
- Make efforts to enhance administrative efficiency.
- Remain familiar with and adhere to department policies relevant to my responsibilities.
- Take necessary and appropriate action to ensure constituents’ safety and well-being in and around the college community.
- Provide students, faculty, other staff, and administration with the tools and assistance they require to perform effectively.
- Act promptly to remedy deficiencies, such as equipment failures, or classroom problems.
- Be accessible, keep appointments, and be on time in all professional settings.
- Prepare all reports, vouchers, bills, invoices, records, and other important documents accurately and honestly.
- Safeguard any confidential information.
Professional Values and Integrity
As a BEE staff member, I will
- Conduct myself ethically, honestly, and with integrity in all situations.
- Treat students, fellow staff, faculty, and administrators fairly and impartially.
- Make every effort to prevent discrimination and harassment.
- Behave and speak professionally, respectfully, and courteously at all times.
- Use the departments’s property, facilities, supplies, and other resources in the most effective and efficient manner.
- Report any conflict of interest in conducting my job to the appropriate authority.
- Exercise fair and objective evaluation of all administrators, faculty, staff, and students.