As a BEE Student, I will
- Attend all class sessions, arriving on time and remaining until dismissed.
- Notify the instructor in advance of anticipated absences, late arrivals, or early departures.
- Refrain from class disturbances.
- Turn off and store away cell phones and all electronic devices unless permission has been otherwise granted.
- Prepare fully for each class.
- Participate in all classes.
- Respect my fellow classmates and the instructor.
Assignments and Exams
As a BEE student, I will
- Complete all assignments and exams honestly, punctually, and to the best of my ability.
- Cite sources appropriately in accordance with the OSU Student Code of Conduct, in which plagiarism is defined as “…unacknowledged appropriation of another’s work, words, or ideas in any themes, outlines, papers, reports, speeches, or other academic work.”
- Refrain from giving or receiving inappropriate assistance.
Professional Values and Integrity
As a BEE student, I will
- Conduct myself ethically, honestly, and with integrity in all situations.
- Treat fellow students, faculty, staff, and administrators fairly and impartially.
- Make every effort to prevent discrimination and harassment.
- Behave and speak professionally, respectfully, and courteously at all times.
Use the department’s property, facilities, supplies, and other resources in the most
effective and efficient manner. - Be fair in my evaluation of administrators, faculty, staff, and fellow students.
Make good use of time by engaging in appropriate activities, and, when possible, participating in worthwhile organizations and activities on campus and in the
broader community.