2023 Graduation Celebration Details

2023 Graduation Celebration Details

BEE students, faculty, alumni, friends, and family are cordially invited to

Biological & Ecological Engineering’s Award Ceremony Banquet

May 18, 2023, which started at 5:00 p.m./ Horizon Room, Memorial Union

Please respond to the Qualitrics form that Catherine sent you by May 29, so we can have a headcount and know how many hot dogs to purchase.

End of the Year Potluck BBQ

Friday, June 16

12:30 pm-2:00 pm

Outside Gilmore Hall & Annex

Hotdogs, Hamburgers, Veggie Burgers, salads, and drinks provided.  Side-dishes are appreciated, but not necessary.

Come and have fun at Gilmore!



  • April 7: Deadline to RSVP for Commencement for Masters and Doctoral candidates
  • June 4: Deadline to RSVP for Commencement for Undergraduates
  • June 7: Deadline to submit Accommodations Survey


April 18-19: OSU Beaver Store Grad Fair

Commencement Saturday June 17